Response to Galveston Daily News Articles
As part of his leadership role with the Galveston Association of Realtors, Tom writes a weekly article for The Daily News in Galveston.
Recently, he received responses from local Galvestonians regarding the weekly column. We’ve added them to the Happy Customers page but thought they might serve well on their own post also.
I’ve been meaning to email you for about 2 weeks now. I wanted to thank you for the column on the Farmer’s Market and mentioning my work with Surfrider to reduce plastic bags on the island.Jeff and I were talking Saturday about how much we enjoy your column, focusing on the community and showing everyone what a great place to live without directly selling a home.Have a great week,
JoanieJoanie Steinhaus
Associate Campaign Director
Gulf Coast Turtle Island Restoration Network
Sea Turtle Restoration Project
I’m a Galveston Arts Center patron and volunteer and I just wanted to say thank you for the nice article you wrote in yesterday’s paper.The GAC is working hard to continue programming while raising funds to finish restoring our building on the Strand, and while we wait for the arrival of our new Executive Director, so the recognition you gave us is much appreciated.Diane Falkenhagen
Tom Visits Scottsdale for RPAC
As seen in this weekend’s paper, Tom represented GAR at the RPAC meeting in Scottsdale, AZ