Texas A&M at Galveston: A Great Neighbor to Galveston Home Owners
Living in a city the size of Galveston, we are fortunate to have three different upper level educational institutions, one of them being Texas A&M University at Galveston (TAMUG).
I bet you didn’t know that percentage wise we have the same amount of college and graduate students as Austin. I have rented apartments and houses to Aggies as tenants. From my personal experience as a Realtor, I have found them friendly and excited to live in Galveston.
I’ve also sold properties to A&M alums and professors adding another level of diversity and, of course, I have great things to say about what a pleasure it is to have an accredited university branch in Galveston. One notable BIG Event that occurs annually when the A&M students volunteer for an entire day to help out a myriad of charities and nonprofits.
For example, they have been instrumental in helping the tree conservancy plant thousands of trees since Hurricane Ike to help beautify the island. They also have worked with the Landmarks Commissioners to clean the Broadway Cemetery. What a wonderful gift they give to Galveston Island each year!
The undergraduate and graduate institution focuses on marine and maritime studies here on the island. It provides more than students. It also brings people passionate about their jobs and studies, as well as leaders for the younger students of Galveston.
This greatly enriches a community to have facilities for people who are working toward achieving their goals. The end result is these people give back to their community and they inspire its citizens, making the community a better place to live.
Elementary, middle and high school students beneit from having this institution nearby. TAMUG hosts Sea Campus Kids for younger students, Sea Camp for middle and high school students, as well as ofer internships. hey open their facilities to the students for ield trips. his allows the students to learn about marine life, as well as gives them a taste of what college is all about.
Being a student at TAMUG is the same as being a student at Texas A&M University at College Station because they’re all Aggies and have the same traditions. They graduate with the same diploma and have the opportunity to earn the Aggie ring.
These students are not only Galveston residents right now, but they could possibly also be the residents of the future. I hope that is the case because personal experience has shown me that these students’ determined, hopeful and responsible attitudes do and will enhance this community.
Another reason why those of us lucky enough to live by the sea are lucky enough!
Originally appeared in The Galveston County Daily News, Tom Schwenk is president of the Galveston Association of Realtors and is a Realtor with The House Company.
To buy, sell, or lease in Galveston, Texas – Talk to Tom!